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Improving your reflective skills with LEGO Serious Play: strategies to write up reflections on your learning In-Person

Some dissertations or individual projects require you to complete a Personal Learning Statement, or a Personal Reflection, which is a section where you reflect on the processes of researching and writing your project and the skills you used and developed. Transferable, generic skills gained by completing a research project are also an important aspect of your profile, and reflecting on these is usually required in applications and interviews for graduate studies or jobs. This practical workshop will help develop your ability to reflect critically on your learning, using a range of hands-on activities including Lego Serious Play

Tuesday, 4th June 2019
15:00 - 17:00
Time Zone:
UK, Ireland, Lisbon Time (change)
Kimberlin Library 0.07b , KL0.07b Teaching Room
Registration has closed.

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Profile photo of Workshops: LS
Workshops: LS